Monday 29 October 2012

only friends we haven't met..

 have a good time with my loving younger sister and my friends

akhirnya !! dapat juga kami berkumpul sama2 di restoran Kenny Rogers Roasters.. 
sekali sekala jalan2 cari makan hehehe..sebab masa ni ja aku free dapat 
jumpa kawan2 baik aku :p ..

candid pic..suma muka2 lapar hehehe :p

 welcome to Kenny Rogers Roasters

classic cheese cake 

banana and chocolate raisin muffin.

yummy !! 

  rock n roll meal with chicken cocktail sausage

kenny's chicken & garden meal  

pasta meal - beef bolognaise spaghetti

hot chocolicious milk 

p/s : thanks camera c adeq :D 

Sunday 21 October 2012

which one is your favourite chocolate? :)

Crispy (chocolatey rice cereal), Tango (almond) and Tudor gold (fruit& nuts)

check it out !

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Life and Love Quotes..

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Life is about trusting your feeling and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change.

When I was a little girl..

Monday 15 October 2012

All About Your Heart

All About Your Heart by Mindy Gledhill

I dont mind your odd behavior
Its the very thing I savor
If you were an ice cream flavor
You would be my favorite one

My imagination sees you
Like a painting by Van Gogh
Starry nights and bright sunflowers
follow you where you may go

Oh,I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
Its not about your scars
Its all about your heart

You´re a butterfly held captive
Small and safe in your cocoon
Go on you can take your time
Time is said to heal all wounds

Oh,I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
Its not about your scars
Its all about your heart

Like a lock without a key
Like a mystery without a clue
There is no me if I cannot have you

Oh,I´ve loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
Its not about your scars
Its all about your heart
#with my mood now hahaha..i love this song :p

Sunday 14 October 2012

baru mula ini hari..

  hai suma !! wowww bru dpt ni ari aq wat blog kunun..hahaha..sebelum ni pena wat blog tp x dpt login huhu..last2 aq wat blog baru hehe..masih baru dlm blogger ni..hrp2 pasni teda masalah lau mau login lg :)